Diver's Analysis

The basics are important in the mastery of any discipline. This is an authentic-style diver’s watch that has all the essentials covered.
You are the type of person who takes on any challenge presented to you head on, While not known for flashiness, you are capable of handling various life tasks reliably by drawing on the advice of predecessors’ as well as your own experience. In a sense, you are a person of unwavering self-confidence and principle. The watch we recommend for your is SPB143J1. This is the latest model of the first mechanical diver’s watch that was produced in Japan in 1965, which has been redesigned for a more modern look. The time-enduring beautiful design of the watch has a semblance to you and your virtuous style of facing all challenges fairly and squarely.
Recommend Type

The 1965 Diver's Modern Re-interpretation

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Values the opinions of distinguished and authoritative figures.